The true story of tithes in Israel began when God instituted His food tithe laws in the Levitical priesthood. Prior to this time, there were no tithe laws in Israel. God did not give Abraham a tithe law. The…

The true story of tithes in Israel began when God instituted His food tithe laws in the Levitical priesthood. Prior to this time, there were no tithe laws in Israel. God did not give Abraham a tithe law. The…
Many Christians believe that Abraham’s tithe of war spoils to Melchizedek is older than and superior to the abolished food tithe of the law of Moses. They hinge their tithe payments to this Genesis 14 event but find it…
"For the same God who worked through Peter as the apostle to the Jews also worked through me as the apostle to the Gentiles." Galatians 2:8 (NLT)
- Apostle Paul
In today’s copies of the Bible, the publishers divide Bible books into the Old Testament (Genesis – Malachi) and the New Testament (Matthew – Revelation) The Bible rightly stated that there can not be a New Testament without the…
When December rolls in, it becomes that time of the year again. Jingle bells, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and more carols. The frills and thrills of Christmas. The Children love Santa Claus and the lies told about him. The…
J esus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. He is the central theme of the whole Bible. He made a statement on tithing and this statement is going to help us find out what Bible tithe…
Over the years, Christendom has been divided on the Bible’s position about alcoholic beverages. A careful study of the subject has shown that the Holy Bible is very clear on this matter. In some verses of the Bible, alcoholic…