When December rolls in, it becomes that time of the year again. Jingle bells, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and more carols. The frills and thrills of Christmas. The Children love Santa Claus and the lies told about him. The…

When December rolls in, it becomes that time of the year again. Jingle bells, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and more carols. The frills and thrills of Christmas. The Children love Santa Claus and the lies told about him. The…
No one was more “charismatic” than the Apostle Paul. He wrote to the Corinthian church that “they came behind no other church” when it came to the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 1:7) — no church had…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet, ligula condimentum tincidunt, arcu orci laoreet massa, nec sagittis elit urna in diam. Sed consectetur dolor non nulla porttitor, in scelerisque quam ultricies. Phasellus et ipsum justo. Aenean fringilla…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet, ligula condimentum tincidunt, arcu orci laoreet massa, nec sagittis elit urna in diam. Sed consectetur dolor non nulla porttitor, in scelerisque quam ultricies. Phasellus et ipsum justo. Aenean fringilla…